Police Briefs

By Julian Routh | Asst. News Editor

Uncle PB doesn’t enjoy St. Patrick’s Day. Never has, never will.

Maybe he would be more accepting of the holiday if Duquesne students made it easier for him. He thought this year would be different, but once again, it was the same ol’ sloppy mess. Yikes.

Over Patty’s Day weekend, there were eight alcohol-related incidents, beginning early Friday morning in St. Martin Hall when an intoxicated underage student was taken to Mercy ER.

The shenanigans continued early Saturday morning in St. Martin as a small amount of marijuana was confiscated from four DU students and a non-affiliate.

Then, on Saturday afternoon, an intoxicated female student in the Des Places lobby and intoxicated male in St. Ann Hall were transported to Mercy ER, as another intoxicated student in the lobby of St. Ann was referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

Late Saturday night, a female visitor was cited for public drunkenness in the Pappert School of Music, minutes before an intoxicated male carrying a fake ID on Seitz Street was transported to Mercy ER.

Two males having a verbal altercation on Bluff Street were issued defiant trespass warnings Sunday morning, and one was cited for public drunkenness.

And finally, someone intentionally damaged a motion detector light switch in the Annex of Fisher Hall last Thursday.