St. Ann Hall

housing-stann-bedroomYear Built: 1963-64
Price: $3,113
Capacity: 520 residents
Years Allowed: freshmen
Room Types: doubles, triples, quads
Laundry Facilities: on first floor of each wing
Bathroom Facilities: communal, in each wing

Real thoughts from real students:

“The building is pretty clean compared to some of the other dorms. The rooms aren’t terrible for size, and the building actually has working air conditioning, which is nice.” — Katie Lipko, Junior

“There’s a very nice lounge on the first floor with a pool table.” — Jacob Stumm, Freshman

housing-stann-frontdesk“The bathrooms are nice. And the rooms are a pretty good size. All the furniture is in good condition.” — Kaitlin Cruny, Freshman

“Honestly, the worst part is that you can’t get to the guys’ floors to hang out with them because they are completely separated. The only way to do it is for them to sign you in.” — Katie Lipko, Junior

“They didn’t angle the shower drains when they built it. They made them flat. So after three people shower, the water just piles up everywhere. It’s disgusting.” — Julia Baird, Freshman

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