Demonstrators march down A-Walk May 1.

Dan Kovalik, a union lawyer, gives a speech in front of fifty students and faculty demonstrating on May 1.
Raymond Arke | Asst. News Editor
In honor of International Workers’ Day, over 50 Duquesne students and faculty held a solidarity rally and march May 1 on Academic Walk.
They gathered to show support for the acceptance of the adjunct union and oppose the University measures that shuttered the DU Press and propose to reallocate $500,000 from the McAnulty College of Liberal Arts, according to a press release from the organizing students.
The group of demonstrators sang a song and chanted in front of Old Main as two members delivered a petition with 400 signatures asking for greater student and faculty representation in university decision-making.
The rally in front of College Hall and march down A-Walk was organized entirely by students. One of the speakers was Dan Kovalik, an attorney for steelworkers in Pittsburgh. He has been active in assisting attempts to create an adjunct union.
Kovalik said that University accusations that recognizing the union is against the faith are “a very strange battle.”
“We are not anti-Catholic … the Catholic Church for centuries has favored workers unions,” he said.
He noted that the so far the adjunct union has won every litigation battle and “[we will] continue this battle for the adjuncts.”
Trevor Root and Trey Weise were two of the student leaders of the rally.
In a speech, Root lamented the “disconnect between administration and students.” He advocated for students to come together and let their voices be heard.
One of the faculty members in attendance, Stuart Kurland, an associate professor of English, had two reasons to attend.
“One, real concern for the issues. Two, to support the students who are trying to be heard,” Kurland said.
He doesn’t know what to expect, but he hopes that the administration will at least listen.
“My hopes is that the administration will understand what is going on … [and] begin to chart a new course of openness and dialogue with the students,” Kurland said.
Root was happy with the turnout, calling it “super successful.”
An open meeting will be held on Saturday May 6 in the first floor lobby of College Hall for students to discuss how to keep momentum going over the summer.

Demonstrators march down A-Walk May 1.